Jennifer (right) and Christine.

Become a Member

Join for Free

The Advancing Culturally-responsive and Equitable (ACE) Evaluation Network is committed to supporting and strengthening relationships; creating and increasing equitable opportunities for racially and ethnically diverse Evaluators who have been historically and/or are presently underrepresented or marginalized in the U.S.; and ensuring a membership base rooted in culturally responsive and equitable evaluation (CREE). Among the Network’s many benefits, membership is free along with all of the hosted learning and networking opportunities!

Know Before You Apply

To qualify for Network membership you must:

  • Identify as an evaluator part of a racially and/or ethnically diverse group.
  • Reside within a U.S. state or territory, and/or a sovereign tribal nation that shares the same geography.
  • Have seven or more years of paid evaluation experience, including work in a key/lead role (e.g., principal investigator, project director, project lead) on at least three evaluation projects.
  • Have knowledge and experience in CREE.
  • Include with your application a high-quality, CREE-focused work sample.

Apply Now!

Applications to become an ACE Evaluation Network Member are open and accepted year-round.

Start Your Application

Application Timeline

The Network application is estimated to take several hours to complete. Applicants are encouraged to review the Expanding the Bench: Advancing Culturally-responsive and Equitable Evaluation Network Member Application Guide prior to beginning work on your application online.

Applications are accepted and reviewed year-round. Applicants will be notified when their application is received, and its review will begin immediately after. Applicants will be notified of an acceptance decision within 60 days of submitting their application.

View the Application Guide!

This detailed guide includes helpful information about the application process, content, scoring, and an overview of the application form. Interested Evaluators are encouraged to prepare the following information/materials before starting the online application form.

Prepare in Advance

  1. Current CV/resume submitted in writing or video that clearly describes your role(s), number of years serving as a key/lead evaluator, and relevant CREE experience, including at least three (3) evaluation projects for which you served in a key/lead role (e.g., principal investigator, project lead, etc.).

  2. One (1) to two (2) work sample(s) (e.g., evaluation report, publication, interim findings, infographic, video, blog post, etc.) for which you are one of the lead authors and that exemplify your CREE practice.

  3. Two references submitted in any of the following formats: 1) name and contact info (email and phone number); 2) letter of reference (document file attachment); 3) voice recording (audio file attachment); and/or 4) video recording (video file attachment). If references are unable to respond in written or spoken English, please contact [email protected] for further guidance. All references should be prepared to address the following points in support of your application:
    • Familiarity with your evaluation experience, including years of practice, role(s), knowledge, and skills; and
    • A description, including examples, of your CREE approach.
  4. A short (200-word max.) biography of yourself that demonstrates your experience in evaluation. Use key words that accurately highlight your unique expertise and that will help application reviewers, as well as future evaluation Funders/partners, get to know your work. Highlight your knowledge of and experience with CREE. You are encouraged, but not required, to also share a brief cultural introduction of yourself in your biography. Cultural introductions often include details of your lived experience and how this experience shapes your practice.

Still Have Questions?

Visit the ACE Evaluation Network’s FAQ page to see questions and responses regarding the Network and membership application. This page will be updated within five (5) business days of receiving any new/additional questions. The ETB team also takes questions directly at [email protected].