LEEAD Scholar 2015-16 Cohort

Corron Sanders, PhD
Dr. Corron Sanders has more than 10 years of experience in research design and implementation. At the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center she managed a National Institute of Health (NIH) multi-center program and was a co-investigator for a study examining the psycho-social factors associated with medication overdose. She has presented nationally and has several peer-reviewed publications from previous collaborations. Her research interest includes social and behavioral determinants to health and the interactions that influence health outcomes. In addition, Dr. Sanders enjoys spending time with her husband Donald and their two children Donald J. and Abigail who all reside in The Colony, TX.

Daniel López-Cevallos, PhD, MPH
Dr. Daniel López-Cevallos is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies, and Assistant Vice Provost in the Office of Undergraduate Education, at Oregon State University. He collaborates with college leadership and faculty to improve course-based learning and success, and create a transformative education that is accessible to all learners. His research & evaluation efforts focus on the intersections of race/ethnicity, gender, class, and other socioeconomic and sociocultural constructs, and their relationship to health and health care issues. Furthermore, Daniel interested in the development and implementation of community, institutional, and policy-level strategies to better serve Latinx and other marginalized communities. He is an Affiliate Investigator with the Hispanic Community Health Study/ Study of Latinos, and a member of the American Public Health Association and the Health Equity Network of the Americas. Daniel earned his PhD in Public Health at OSU, and MPH and BS degrees from Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador.

Jori Hall, PhD
Dr. Jori Hall is an associate professor in the Department of Lifelong Education, Administration, and Policy in the College of Education at the University of Georgia. Dr. Hall’s research focuses on investigating and applying mixed methods and qualitative approaches to inquiry to improve educational programs.
Dr. Hall uses qualitatively driven mixed methods approaches to interrogate the internal accountability system of schools and how it interacts with external accountability policies at the district and state levels. In addition to studying mixed methods and qualitative designs, Dr. Hall is an evaluator. Because Dr. Hall is committed to social justice, she urges investigators to consider responsive approaches to evaluation. Her work on responsive evaluation approaches has resulted in articles published in multiple evaluation journals. Dr. Hall holds a BS from Bradley University, a master’s degree from DePaul University, and a doctorate from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

José Muñoz, PhD
Dr. José Muñoz is an Associate Professor at CSU San Bernardino. In collaboration with scholars at CSUSB, Dr. Muñoz participated in the development of a Community-Based Research (CBR) Toolkit which provides research design models, readings, and other tools to aid in CBR. As part of these efforts he included an Introduction to CBR and Applied Sociology courses into the curriculum. Dr. Muñoz co-authored a paper in the Journal of Public Child Welfare. The paper “Language is not enough: institutional supports for Spanish speaking client-worker engagement in child welfare” explores the relationship between Latina social workers and their undocumented Spanish speaking clientele. Currently, Dr. Muñoz serves on the American Sociological Association’s Task Force on First-Generation and Working Class Persons in Sociology. As part of a national longitudinal project that employs multiple methods the Task Force looks at educational mobility processes and the role of higher education in mitigating or exacerbating inequalities.

Juan J. DelaCruz, PhD
Dr. Juan J. DelaCruz is an Associate Professor of Economics and Business at Lehman College and faculty in the Doctor of Public Health Program at the Graduate Center (City University of New York). His area of expertise is health economics and his work focuses on the economic and social determinants of health influencing the HIV epidemic globally and in New York City. He is committed to the analysis of HIV-related disparities and the estimation of economic costs of interventions for people with HIV. The purpose of Dr. DelaCruz’s work is to analyze psychosocial factors affecting quality of life among HIV-infected individuals from an economics perspective. His research sustains that HIV-infected longtime survivors are facing disproportionate health outcomes, including disability and early death. He is using mixed quantitative methods to evaluate the economic costs and effects of HIV on human capital, emphasizing the differences in health outcomes across age, sexual orientation and race/ethnicity. In previous work, he has claimed that early and well-targeted interventions to improve quality of life are beneficial to stop the progression of the epidemic. His scholarship provides an opportunity to assess the needs of older HIV-infected individuals from an economic and multi-cultural perspective. He is expecting to advance in the construction of a framework of economic analysis to understand public health problems, leading to a more rigorous study of health disparities and economic costs. Statistical methods include econometric devices such as regression analysis, computer-based simulation and decision analysis to estimate the disease burden.

Juan José Bustamente, PhD
Dr. Juan José Bustamante is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Arkansas. He has a joint appointment between the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice and the Latin American and Latino Studies Program. He received his PhD in Sociology from Michigan State University, and an M.S. and a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from the University of Texas Pan American. Born in Mexico City and raised in both Mexico and Texas, his research interests include Latina/o communities, international immigration, and qualitative research methods. Dr. Bustamente’s current work collecting ethnographic data from Latina/os and migrants living in the American South extends his research on racially and community structured components of migration beyond the physical limits of the US-Mexico border. He is interested in studying and documenting the impact of Latino population growth, distribution, and age structure on local educational, labor, housing, and public safety services, as well examining the strategies larger social institutions have adopted to address the demographic shift in the area.

Julia Lechuga, PhD
Dr. Julia Lechuga received her PhD from the University of Texas at El Paso in Health Psychology in 2008. In 2010, she was a finalist for the Harry and Pola Triandis Outstanding Dissertation Award from the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP) and received an Honorable Mention. Dr. Lechuga completed a National Institutes of Health NRSA Ruth L. Kirschstein postdoctoral fellowship at the Medical College of Wisconsin in 2010. In 2010 she started a faculty position at MCW and in 2013 moved to The University of Texas at El Paso, where she currently is assistant professor.
Dr. Lechuga’s research focuses on the development, cultural adaptation, and dissemination and implementation of behavioral interventions to reduce the risk of infectious disease in ethnic minorities and underserved populations. In 2011, shortly after completing her postdoctoral training, Dr. Lechuga received a two-year highly competitive grant ($200,000 direct costs) awarded by the Advancing Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Consortium to evaluate a comprehensive sexual and reproductive health behavioral intervention being implemented by Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin. In 2012, Dr. Lechuga received an NIH R21 to design a sexual and reproductive health behavioral intervention for Latina mother- daughter dyads.

Keneshia Bryant-Moore, PhD
Dr. Keneshia Bryant-Moore is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) with a primary appointment in the College of Nursing and a secondary appointment in the College of Public Health. Her research career is dedicated to the prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment of depression, particularly among rural African Americans. Additionally, Dr. Bryant-Moore is devoted to educating the community about common mental health disorders with the mission to increase awareness, detection, and early intervention.
Dr. Bryant-Moore is the Director of Growing Our Own in the Delta (GOOD) program which is funded by a HRSA-Nursing Workforce Diversity grant. GOOD is designed to increase the number of under-represented advanced practice registered nurses, particularly those residing in the Arkansas Delta region. These include first generation college students, males, and under-represented racial and ethnic minorities.

Kenyatha V. “Ellie Mae” Loftis, PhD
Dr. Kenyatha V. Loftis is co-founder and Chief Executive of Local Scholars and Mentors Unifying Research and Practice to Harvest Excellence for the Future (L.SMURPHE.F) Enterprises, Ltd. Co.—a consulting firm rooted in the mantras sankofa* and climbing together.
An excellent listener and innovative strategist, Dr. Loftis develops streamlined solutions for multidimensional problems. Her subject matter expertise includes program evaluation: culturally-responsive formative/process/implementation and outcome/summative/impact evaluation; research methods: research design, developing data collection tools, quantitative and qualitative analytics, and mixed-methodology research; education: policy analysis, school leadership, parent involvement, turnarounds, early childhood, and out-of-school time; and American politics: public policy governance and implementation, public opinion, political institutions, race/ethnicity, gender, and poverty.
Dr. Loftis is a graduate of Yale College (BA in Political Science), the University of Michigan (PhD in Public Policy & Political Science), and Rice University (Certificate in Education Entrepreneurship, School of Business).
*Sankofa: Go back for what has been forgotten.

LaShaune P. Johnson, PhD
Dr. LaShaune P. Johnson is a health equity researcher who focuses on breast cancer and maternal and child health. She is an evaluator who employs participatory arts-based, and culturally-responsive methods. She is an associate professor in the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies at Creighton University and the Community Liaison for the Creighton University at Highlander community. Additionally, she is a faculty associate for Creighton’s MMA program, and a member of the Center for Health Research and Patient Safety. As an evaluator, she is the owner and principal for Estella Lucia Evaluation, LLC., and a Consultant for TerraLuna Collaborative. She earned a degree from Wellesley College in Sociology and Medieval/Renaissance Studies. She earned her PhD in Sociology (with emphases in Feminist Studies and Human Development) at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and has completed postdoctoral studies at the University of Connecticut Health Center and the University of Missouri School of Health Professions. She is the former Co-Chair of Omaha’s Metro African American Breast Cancer Task Force, the Non-clinical co-chair for the Health Disparities Implementation Group for the Nebraska Cancer Coalition (NC2), and the Affiliate Member of the Fred and Pamela Buffett Cancer Center (Cancer Prevention and Control Program). She serves as a member of the Blog Editorial Board for the Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science. She is also a Council Member for the ASA Sociological Practice and Public Sociology Section.

Latrice C. Pichon, PhD
Dr. Latrice C. Pichon, is an Associate Professor in the Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences, School of Public Health. She completed her PhD in Public Health with a concentration in Health Behavior from the Joint Doctoral Program in Public Health at San Diego State University and the University of California, San Diego in August of 2008. She received extensive post-doctoral training in the application of community-based participatory research (CBPR) in the Kellogg Health Scholars Program at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. In 2011, she was selected to participate in the prestigious and highly competitive Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS) 3-year Visiting Professor Program for scientists conducting research to reduce HIV/STI health disparities. Her general program of research centers around the application of CBPR approaches to improving the health of Black Americans by reducing racial disparities in HIV. Specifically, she focuses on exploring the role of the faith-based community in addressing HIV awareness and prevention, and partnering with community-based organizations to understand HIV outreach, care, and utilization needs among vulnerable groups. Dr. Pichon’s service to the Memphis and Mid-South community reflects her professional philosophy and adherence to CBPR approaches. Additionally, exudes a personal commitment and passion of hers to have an active stake, voice, and face in the community to reducing racial disparities and improving the health status of Black Americans.

Mindelyn Anderson, PhD
Dr. Mindelyn Anderson is the Founder + Principal of Mirror Group LLC, a consulting firm that leverages partnerships with fellow evaluators, researchers, subject matter experts, and change makers to bring collaborative, participatory, utilization-focused evaluation and capacity-building to communities and learning organizations. She earned her doctorate in Sociology from The Johns Hopkins University and an undergraduate degree in Sociology with minors in Anthropology and Policy Studies from UCLA. Dr. Anderson, a California Bay Area native, currently resides in Washington, D.C. with her husband (the other Dr. Anderson), three daughters and a son. You can find her out and about in the DC, Maryland, Virginia area serving community organizations dear to her including Zion Church and John Eaton Elementary School as well as working toward racial equity and inclusion through Juniors Read and Mirror Group. Feel free to ask her anything about work, life, and everything in between.

Patricia Y. Miranda, PhD, MPH
Dr. Patricia Y. Miranda is Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Administration and Demography at The Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Miranda received her PhD and MPH from the University Of Michigan School Of Public Health, and was a Kellogg Health Scholar Postdoctoral Fellow at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Department of Health Disparities Research, Center for Research on Minority Health. Dr. Miranda’s research interests focus on cancer prevention among vulnerable populations, specifically disparities in cancer screening affecting immigrant and Latino populations. Dr. Miranda’s research reflects the shifting demographics of the United States; examines how policies and screening guidelines may differentially impact vulnerable populations; explores the role of place in understanding access to health services; engages affected populations in a community-based participatory research approach to create recommendations for future interventions and policy efforts at local, regional and national levels, as well as methods of engaging policymakers as members of a community to create multilevel interventions for reducing health disparities. Dr. Miranda has examined the underserved cancer prevention needs within Latino populations, specifically among the Mexican-origin population, describing how these vulnerable groups may disproportionately face higher rates of cancer mortality without further investigation of these higher risk factors, or a focus on the social determinants of their low rates of screening.

Tracy M. Hilliard, PhD
Dr. Tracy M. Hilliard has over fifteen years of leadership experience in community-based research and evaluation, systems improvement, program and policy development, and strategic planning for equity in public health and social services. She has an extensive history of commitment to leadership and service in several professional and community organizations. Dr. Hilliard was appointed to the United States Department of Health and Human Services’ first Regional Health Equity Council for Region X, on which she has served for over four years. She is Chair of the American Public Health Association, Health Informatics and Information Technology Section. She previously served four years as an Advisory Board Member for the Disparities Interest Group of AcademyHealth, the largest professional organization for health services researchers in the US. She is extremely passionate about community service activities encouraging students of color to pursue higher education, particularly science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. In addition to her volunteerism, Dr. Hilliard enjoys spending time with family and friends, swimming, event planning, travel, and live music.

Victoria A. Anyikwa, PhD
Dr. Victoria A. Anyikwa is an Associate Professor in the Graduate Social Work Program at Saint Leo University, located in North Florida in the Tampa region. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from Queens College in New York, a Masters Degree in Social Work from New York University, and a PhD in Social Work from Barry University in Miami Shores.
Prior to joining Saint Leo University, Dr. Anyikwa served as the Commissioner of Social Services in Greenwich Connecticut for over three years. A clinical social worker by training, Dr. Anyikwa has held many clinical and executive positions, and was the Executive Director for the Brooklyn Psychiatric Centers, Inc. for over nine years prior to moving to Florida with her family. She has served on various task forces on mental health issues in New York City and New York State mental health systems. Dr. Anyikwa has published and presented on local, national and international levels on issues relating to her research interests. These include clinical issues such as: mental health, trauma, domestic violence, cultural competence, particularly as it relates to people of African descent, women, children and families. She also has an interest in organizational behavior and leadership and the responsibility to the provision of culturally competent services. A recent and burning interest includes attention to African American/Black males and their structural locations in American society. Additionally, Dr. Anyikwa has presented on issues related to teaching and learning in the online environment.
Dr. Anyikwa currently serves on the Council on Social Work Education’s Women’s Council, and as such, participated in the first White House Briefing on Social Work Education held by CSWE and the White House Office of Public Engagement in September 2013. She currently teaches social work research methods, evidence based practice, and macro practice focusing on organizational change.
Dr. Anyikwa is a proud Caribbean-American, and a wife and mother of four children. Born in Jamaica, West Indies, her family immigrated to Brooklyn, New York when she was young. While currently residing in South Florida, she claims New York where she spent most of her life, as home.
Meet More LEEADers
Every Leaders in Equitable Evaluation and Diversity (LEEAD) cohort is composed of Scholars from a variety of backgrounds who represent multiple interests, each bringing unique perspectives creating a robust community. LEEADers are dedicated to moving the field of evaluation toward social justice through culturally responsive and equitable evaluation (CREE).